Chairman of the BoD

* Inquiries about Triangle as a whole
* Volunteer and committee opportunities
* Speaker’s Bureau and volunteer oppurtunities
* Milking the earth of more than just sweet, sweet oil

Br. Cameron Devers (229ok16)

Director of Finance:

* Budget, Finance, Tax relation questions
* 990 or EIN requests
* Information about scholarships
* Start/Stop/Modify alumni donations
* Living in San Francisco, Sailing, and Comp Sci theory
* Membership Database/Website Questions
Br. Brandon Bagwell (133ok04)
Director of Alumni Correspondence:

* Reconnecting as an Alumnus
* Questions regarding Triangle’s Newsletter
* Parliamentarian questions
* Computer Science and DevOps workflow topics
Br. Gregory Maddra (250ok17)
Director of Alumni Programming:

* Information about fraternity events in the Norman/OKC area
* How to volunteer or lead specific events
* Adding events to the calendar
* Multi-story high rise design in earthquake prone areas
Br. Adam Aab (225ok15)
Director of Membership Development:

* Promoting your STEM event, campus club, or company to our membership
* Information on mentorship, internship, and apprenticeship opportunities
* Scobie, PLA, and other national educational events
* Working at NASA and spaceship design
Br. Marcos Stocco (74ok93)
House Director:

* Questions regarding chapter property/real estate/acquisitions
* Information on Triangle fixtures, furniture, and equipment
* Vendor solicitations
* Running your own “green agriculture” business
Br. Joe Scaggs (224ok15)
Active at Large:

* Information about our University presence and recruitment
* Information about other Triangle Chapters nationwide
* Ritual committee, and all things ceremony